Fitness Classes



Team Training

Team Training is a mix of HIIT, strength and athletic development. Team training is a mixture of mobility, stability, power, strength and metabolic conditioning. It is suitable to all levels of fitness and ages. Our coaches can tailor the exercises for you with progressions and regressions.

The exercises we use range form core stability, upper and lower body mobility, push and pull upper body strength movements to hip and knee lower body strength, plyometric and agility exercises.

Gravity Fitness prides itself on correcting and improving movement patterns while increasing mobility, building core stability and strength, and boosting your overall fitness level. Try a class and see for yourself.

How team training can help you:

Increases your energy

Improves you're movement patterns

Improves overall mood

Increases you're muscle tone

Increases strength, stability & mobility

HYROX Training

This the new trend in the fitness industry so Gravity Fitness had to get on the bandwagon. The class will run like any Hyrox competition with running, rowing, skiing, pushing/pulling sleds, lunge walks, burpee board jumps, carries, wall balls exercises in the session.

It is not for the faint hearted it will be a very high, intense session. Here is a link to see the actual race day to view more

How Hyrox Training can help you:

Increase your overall energy

Improves your overall conditioning

Improves your aerobic conditioning

Increases you're muscle tone

Higher's you're metabolic rate

Myzone Classes

Myzone is a heart rate system we use at Gravity Fitness.  The Myzone class will focus on heart rate training. The client has to match what heart rate zone that is set at anyone one time in the class.

It teaches the client to increase their recovery when training and to improve their overall heart rate so their body functions better in life and when training. You do not need to have a myzone device we can work on RPE scale which the coach will help you with.

How the Myzone class can help you:

Increase your overall energy

Improves your overall conditioning

Improves your aerobic conditioning

Increases you're muscle tone

Improves heart rate recovery

OVER 60’s Male & Female Class

Over 50’s & 60’s male training works off a similar platform to Team Training with the only difference being the intensity levels are obviously lower as the body does not move as quick and well when you are 50 years of age and older. This class is coached in a functional manner so you get an all body workout with increased mobility, stability, posture, strength, power, calorie and fat burn. At home you can use bands, bodyweight or anything that ads weight to increase intensity.

Gravity Fitness over 60's strength training