Hi my name is Gareth Rossi and I am the owner of Gravity Fitness. This month our weekly blog will give you information to help you through the Christmas high calorie, eating and drinking season. Read through our 10 step process to help you through the month of December.
- Commit to your weekly training regime.
- Keep protein intake high to maintain muscle mass
- Keep hydrated
- Eat breakfast, lunch and dinner as a minimum
- Weigh yourself once a week to keep tabs on weight gain or loss
- Drink alcohol in moderation
- When out socialising try select the healthiest option available on the menu
- Go for walks and or runs if your gym or sports club is closed over some of the Christmas period
- Enjoy the week of Christmas from Dec 20th – 27th (laugh and smile)
- Start back training on the 2nd January (don’t wait a week)
- Throw out the high calorie food and drink on January 2nd
At Gravity Fitness we believe in changing habits. If you introduce good habits it can knock out the bad habits. If you are to change one habit a week within a month you could have changed four things about yourself, such as removing alcohol consumption from Monday to Friday, eating breakfast every morning, drinking more water etc. These habits are just some of the basic things people do wrong which can lead to a poor eating habits and health.
Most importantly, enjoy the Christmas celebrations whilst maintaining a healthy focus by sticking to our guidelines on maintaining exercise routines, having time efficient exercise strategies and including some of our calorie saving ideas.