There’s no doubt that the festive season is a challenging time if you are trying to stay healthy and reduce body fat. It usually revolves around food (and not always healthy choices), large portions and lashing of alcohol to wash it all down. Christmas celebrations can last for weeks, so there are some things you need to watch out for. There are also some simple steps you can take to stay on track while still enjoying this special time of the year.
Recent research showed that eating high fatty foods, sugary foods and alcohol over a longer period of time up to 40 days, you are more prone to storing fat as it is over a longer period of time than a two week holiday. So to counteract fat storage over the Christmas and try stick by these 10 points that can help you against fat storage.
- Partridge in a pear tree
Forget the partridges but focus on the pear. Fruit is a convenient snack choice and can even be used as a healthy dessert option. - Turtle doves
Doves symbolise peace, and you can maintain the peace by staying calm. Christmas can be a time of anxiety and heightened family tension, so have a plan to keep your stress at bay. - French hens
If poultry is on the menu, try to have it without the skin, which can dramatically reduce the saturated fat content. - Calling birds
Calling may not be so bad but getting in a round of drinks can make it hard to say no to a few extra drinks. Consume alcohol in moderation, and balance out your drinks by having water in between, and doing a little extra exercise. - Golden rings
To avoid getting dark rings under your eyes, make sure you get enough sleep. We need 7 – 9 hours of sleep every night to stay healthy, so try to get to bed early some nights if you need to catch up. - Geese are laying
While those 6 Geese are busy laying, make sure you get busy having at least 6 large glasses of water a day. It will help you stay hydrated and make you feel fuller when you eat. Drink a little extra if it’s very hot, if you’re very active, or if you work in an air-conditioned environment. - Maids are milking
If you consume milk and other dairy products, try to choose the lowest fat option such as skim milk and low-fat yoghurt. You’ll get all the protein and calcium, but without the kilojoules - Ladies dancing
Use some of your time with friends and family to engage in fun and social activities such as dancing when out, walking around shopping at a fast pace. It doesn’t have to all be about food. - Lords are leaping
Make like one of those 10 lords, and leap into the New Year with a positive health and fitness goal. Think about one or two small changes that can make a big difference over time, such as to cut out butter, or eliminate sugar in your coffee. - Drummer’s drumming
If you wake up after your office Christmas party with the sound of 12 drummers drumming in your head, drink plenty of water, and make yourself a healthy breakfast. Avoid bingeing on junk food when you have a hangover.
Partly taken from Blackmores.com.au