The Gravity Fitness 5k Park Run social event from the eyes of Coach Rachel.
‘ I wrenched my duvet from my legs, assaulting my limbs with whatever logo adorned merch I could Find and bundled my sleepy dog into the car. After mouching a lift , the wheels turned in the direction of the park fueld by an old ” I owe you one”. Being early was something I always appreciated , but trying to prize me from sleep was always my mothers first and most difficult task, such was my rich inner world.
Scooting along with a pep in my step, Harry a bounce in his trott, the sea of gravity fireflies began to gather around me. I tried to drink it all in, the tree’s , the blue sky, the sunlight and these happy people….people that ran………...happily. Id yet to be caffinated and my dog was interupting chatter with his reliable unpredictability.
Then we were off. After cramming into a group photo that now consisted of two furry mascots , the gyms clientelle pushed along the parks track. The sun hit our skin in patches, the trees casting patterned shadows on our arms as the train of coloured t-shirts wove through heart of the woods. Il Capo (the boss) ran past us, exciting already excitable dogs and teasing us, the 6 of us in a fold , one we had yet to meet.
Trickling through the track like a giant coloured serpent the runners trundled on untill coming to a welcome halt at the finish. Gathered around and shimmering in that post run glow , the crew bathed in the sun and positive vibes whilst eating carefully crafted treats that were almost scientific in nature.
It was a morning , a buzz, a cup of coffee and a handful of warm familliar happy faces all before 12 pm. It was worth a Saturday morning alarm clock after all. ‘